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Monday, December 26, 2011

Best of 2011 Giveaway Hop!

I'm very excited today to review my Best of 2011 Indie Author Recommendations! Once again, I am participating in a multi-blogger, multi-prize giveaway, hosted by I am a Reader Not a Writer.

Several authors have generously offered to give away copies of their books. This blog hop is open from December 27-31. Hundreds of bloggers are participating, so there's definitely something for everyone!

Before I get to my list of favourites and today's giveaway titles, just a reminder that the giveaway for Lin Pardey's beautiful book, BULL CANYON: A Boatbuilder, A Writer and Other Wildlife remains open until December 29, 2011. CLICK HERE for details.

And don't miss Matt Posner's review of STIEG LARSSON Man, Myth & Mistress, including a giveaway. CLICK HERE to read the review and enter the giveaway.

Here are some of My Favourite Independently Published Reads of 2011:
The Jakarta Pandemic by Steve Konkoly ~ included in this giveaway

Bull Canyon: A Boatbuilder, a Writer and Other Wildlife by Lin Pardey ~ giveaway open until December 29, 2011 - CLICK HERE for details.

IDITAROD a novel of The Greatest Race on Earth by Andre Jute ~ included in this giveaway. Also see Andre Jute's guest post, which includes a giveaway of an additional three copies of his book! CLICK HERE for details.

The Hawk And His Boy (The Tormay Trilogy #1) by Christopher Bunn ~ included in this giveaway

Mountain Laurel by Donna Fasano ~ included in this giveaway

Luminous and Ominous by Noah K. Mullette-Gillman ~ included in this giveaway
(See the right sidebar for more of my recommended reads!)

And here is what's up for grabs this week:

Luminous and Ominous by Noah K. Mullete-Gillman. I interviewed Noah with my review of his previous book, Luminous and Ominous. Click here to view the interview.

The Hawk And His Boy (The Tormay Trilogy #1) by Christopher Bunn. Read more about this book in my review and interview with Christopher.

The Jakarta Pandemic by Steve Konkoly. CLICK HERE to see my review and interview with the author.

The Monster's Daughter (The Glass Ball Trilogy) by Deborah Bryan. Stay tuned for my review and interview with the author in 2012!

Mountain Laurel by Donna Fasano. CLICK HERE to read my review and interview with the author.

The following giveaway titles are courtesy of Gemma Coole, publisher of CoolMain Press, a micro publisher celebrating its first year.

IDITAROD a novel of The Greatest Race on Earth by André Jute. Read more about this book, one of my favourite reads of 2011, in my review and interview with André.

THE MEYERSCO HELIX by André Jute & Andrew McCoy. Stay tuned for my review and an interview with the author in 2012!

LE MANS (RUTHLESS TO WIN) by Dakota Franklin. CLICK HERE for more details about this book and Dakota's gripping new series RUTHLESS TO WIN.

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There are four ways to enter. None of these are mandatory, so you can pick and choose how you will enter the contest. Enter once, or enter multiple times. The winners will be selected randomly once the contest has closed. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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This giveaway is linked up with:

I Am A Reader, Not A Writer Post Your Giveaway Linky's

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

And don't forget to visit the hundreds of other bloggers who are hosting giveaways!


Aunt Maggie Rocks said...

I'd like to win The Hawk And His Boy (The Tormay Trilogy #1) by Christopher Bunn.

Rea said...

I like the look of The Monster's Daughter!! =)

Candie L said...

I would like the MOnster's daughter. Thank you


chichi23 said...

id really like to win a copy of THE MONSTER'S DAUGHTER by Deborah Bryan

thankyou for the giveaway

Unknown said...

I would love to win a copy of "The hawk and his boy" Sounds like something my son and I would love to read! Thank you for the giveaway! Best wishes 2012!

kelleynutrition at gmail dot com

Liese2 said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway!
I would love any of the choices!

Linda Mc said...

I have read LUMINOUS & OMINOUS by Noah K. Mullette-Gillman and I don’t normally read post-apocalyptic stories but I did really enjoy this one. Henry is just a normal everyday guy that learns of events that are happening beyond anyone’s control and tries to save a few of his friends from the coming invasion. I would really like to have an L&O 2 because I really became invested in Henrys future. I would recommend this to anyone who likes human interest stories or post-apocalyptic stories. Noah also has a new series called Magic Makes You Strange that are truly original and they are fantasy with a bit of sci-fi. I loved these two stories as well.

Linda Mc said...

While I am here, I have also read MOUNTAIN LAUREL by Donna Fasano and also really enjoyed this. All of her books are wonderful journeys of discovery.

The Hawk and His Boy by Christopher Bunn is an epic adventure you will be so invested in Jute you will have to read the whole Tormay Trilogy! I wanted to take Jute home with me to protect him. I am a fan of Christopher Bunn’s for life.

Linda Mc said...

I have not read any of Andre Jutes books yet, but from the interviews I have read with him I have decided I would love to read his memoirs when he writes them! His life sounds truly fascinating! I would love to win his book IDITAROD A Novel of the Greatest Race on Earth.

Thanks Cookie's Mom for hosting these giveaways!

Maegan Morin said...

I would love to win The Hawk And His Boy (The Tormay Trilogy #1)!

megnate at telus dot net

Fe said...

I'd like to have a copy of The Hawk and His Boy.



Yto said...

i would like to win The Hawk And His Boy too ^^

Cayce said...

I'd like to win The Monster's Daughter :)

cayce006 at yahoo dot com

littleangel_mw said...

First choice : THE HAWK AND HIS BOY

google subscriber : littleangel_mw@yahoo.com

Katie W. said...

Iditirad, please



Ruth Hill said...

Mountain Laurel would be my choice. Thanks!

Vinci said...

Greetings from BC eh,
would like to read first pick
IDITAROD: a novel of The Greatest Race on Earth
the others look good too, thanks for
the book hop.
cheers. dayleb at telus dot net

Unknown said...

I would love to win The Monster's Daughter (The Glass Ball Trilogy) by Deborah Bryan it looks so cool!

Waterbaby786 said...

It's a lovely offer I'd like luminous and ominous or the monsters daughter pls!

Holly said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
They all sound great, especially The Monster's Daughter (The Glass Ball Trilogy), so I would pick that first!

Unknown said...

I'd love to read either The Monster's Daughter or Iditarod.

Thanks for the giveaway & have a Happy New Year!

elizabeth @ bookattict.com

mary ann(RunOnce828) said...

i'd love to win LUMINOUS & OMINOUS by Noah K. Mullette-Gillman..:00

happy holidays!!

Sarika Patkotwar said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
I would like to win Luminous and Ominous. :)

Nylez @ Book Quotes and Lyrics said...

If i win, think i like to get the Monster's daughter or The Hawk and His bOy

Christina said...

I would love to win The Hawk And His Boy by Christopher Bunn. :)

Judy said...

The Monster's Daughter.


Helen said...

I would love The Monster's Daughter (The Glass Ball Trilogy) by Deborah Bryan

SavingsInSeconds said...

The Monster's Daughter would be my first choice, followed by The Hawk and His Boy. Thank you!

amymccarty1985 said...

The Monster's Daughter (The Glass Ball Trilogy) :D
amymccarty at hotmail dot com

Denise Z said...

I would love to win The Monsters Daughter, but will be grateful for whatever the gods of random send my way LOL Thank you for participating in this fun.

IdentitySeeker said...

The Monster's Daughter would be first choice, followed by Luminous and Ominou. Thanks:)


Cookie’s Mom said...


Congratulations to the winners! Check your email to find out what you have won!

If you did not win this time, be sure to check out the many other giveaways going on right now. See the right sidebar for details!

Thanks to everyone who participated and much thanks to the authors for sharing their books!

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